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 Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة

استعرض الموضوع التالياستعرض الموضوع السابقاذهب الى الأسفل
كاتب الموضوعمن فضلك أقرأ الموضوع بعمق وأضف رد يعبر عن فهمك لمضمونه

عدد الرسائل : 3215
نقاط التقييم : 89621
المهنة : أستاذ جامعى
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^ : ^

تكريم الأعضاء -

Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة 3h5910

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مُساهمةموضوع: Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة  Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة Icon_minitime2009-09-07, 10:32أنت الرقيب على نفسك

المصدر :- منتدى الشبكة العربية
إضافة تقييم للموضوعالكاتب :- Admin
Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now

لعبة السيارات المرعبة

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

The original Carmageddon was banned in Brazil for inspiring road rage.
Well, if you’re the sort to play a game and apply those skills you’ve
just cultivated to your real-life routine, then not only should you not
come anywhere near Carmageddon II, but you should probably just be
locked up somewhere safe. However, if you’re not adverse to a little
lowbrow humor and a lot of violence and mayhem, you’ll find plenty of
action and still more fun in the visually refined sequel. You’ll need
to be at least a little mean-spirited to truly appreciate them, but
Carmageddon II’s graphics look good by any standards. The three
dozen-odd cars are meticulously detailed and wildly creative: You get
to drive and destroy everything from a tricked-out ’70s low-rider
sporting front-mounted jackhammers, to a muscle car crossed with a
World War II prop plane, to a dragster, to a dune buggy, and much more.
They’re not real cars, but they look real enough, especially when you
smash them (or into them) and they crumple and crack in all the right
places. Then again, the cars in Carmageddon always did look good,
although the same couldn’t be said for their targets, the lowly
pedestrians who were mere 2D sprites in the first game and didn’t look
right against the 3D cars. But now the pedestrians, comprising a
cornucopia of humans and wildlife, join their hunters in the third
dimension, which unlocks a world of gory, new opportunities for the
player. They’ll come apart at the seams, go flying through the air,
burst into blood and guts, and worse as you careen into them in every
which way, earning money for each and every kill. Were it not for the
rather plain-looking tracks and a frame rate that can falter even on
high-end systems, Carmageddon II would look entirely excellent. Of
course it’s tasteless. But if the country can embrace a foul-mouthed
and foul-mannered prime-time cartoon show, then it’s ready for
Carmageddon II. Besides, it’s a funny game. You’ll pick up dozens of
different power-ups that affect the innocent bystanders in absurdly
hilarious ways: They’ll explode when hit, pop and fly away, dance in
place, stumble like drunks, have huge heads, turn huge altogether, turn
tiny, turn fat, turn tall, turn skinny, turn completely immortal - you
name it. And the carnage is set to the perfectly appropriate music of
the quintessential heavy metal band Iron Maiden, as well as a few
guitar-heavy instrumental pieces that, while they aren’t Maiden, aren’t
bad. Unfortunately, the other sound effects in the game are only fair,
as pedestrian screams and steel wrenching against steel all start to
get repetitive fast. In any event, you’ll probably be too wrapped up in
the game to be bothered. Like the first game, you don’t need to follow
too many rules. You can race around the track past a series of
checkpoints through several laps and end a race, but you’ll often find
it easier (and a lot more fun) to total all the enemy cars vying to do
the same. Either objective is made both challenging and enjoyable
thanks to the wacky hyperrealistic physics model behind the game that
has cars careening through the air and against buildings and one
another at the slightest invitation. You’ll find yourself in all sorts
of incredible and ridiculous wrecks, often with those hapless
pedestrians at the center. Thankfully, you can magically repair or
recover your car at the touch of a button, and for a price. And because
the collisions rarely force you into a frustrating situation, and the
physics model is so open-ended, and there are so many silly power-ups,
Carmageddon II ends up being entertaining for a long time. That’s not
to say it never gets annoying; because of the linear race progression,
you’ll sometimes get stuck on a timed mission objective that you’ll
have to replay until you get it right. But the game isn’t all that
difficult, and a little perseverance should get you past any
roadblocks, metaphorical or not. What you’re left with, then, is a game
that isn’t serious at all but instead offers a fun and colorful, albeit
predominantly red, environment to drive across, through, or over.
Carmageddon II isn’t the most ambitious game you’ll ever play, but
chances are it’ll be one of the more enjoyable games you’ve tried

Password: [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]


Download Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now:

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موضوع رقم… 207 -*- مساهمة رقم… 287


توقيع العضو Admin

ஐ◄█ https://arab.forumburkina.com/ ░█►ஐ

Review https://arab.forumburkina.com// on alexa.com
http://www.smwak.com الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفلمنتدى الشبكة العربية

عدد الرسائل : 3215
نقاط التقييم : 89621
المهنة : أستاذ جامعى
مقياس النشاط
Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة Left_bar_bleue90 / 10090 / 100Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة Right_bar_bleue


^ : ^

تكريم الأعضاء -

Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة 3h5910

Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة  Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة Icon_minitime2009-09-07, 10:46أنت الرقيب على نفسك

المصدر :- منتدى الشبكة العربية
إضافة تقييم للموضوعالكاتب :- Admin
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

موضوع رقم… 207 -*- مساهمة رقم… 289


توقيع العضو Admin

ஐ◄█ https://arab.forumburkina.com/ ░█►ஐ

Review https://arab.forumburkina.com// on alexa.com
http://www.smwak.com الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفلمنتدى الشبكة العربية

Carmageddon II: Carpolypse Now لعبة السيارات المرعبة

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